JOKER Foundation Organization


After several months of planning and discussion on how to show JOKERs commitment to return to the less fortunate a share of what has been earned through those families who choose to purchase JOKER products, effective January 1st 2005, the JOKER Foundation became a legal entity in Switzerland. The new foundation, which is in part composed by the taking over of the WALZ KINDERHILFSWERK STIFTUNG, continues to support the Urpi Wasi Child Day Care Center in Cusco, Peru. To expand the global outreach towards providing educational opportunity to children around the world, the JOKER Foundation in 2012 has decided to also support the construction of Thaddeus-dham, a student home in India.


Four volunteers including one employee from JOKER AG manage the activities of the JOKER Foundation. They ensure that the goals set by the founding members are continuously met and that funds are raised and distributed according to the varying needs of the chosen projects.

Legal Entity

The JOKER Foundation is a non-profit and tax exempt foundation according to Swiss law, registered in the Canton of Freiburg with the following number: CHE-102.013.474

Joker Children's Fund
c/o Joker AG
Frau Maria Flowers
Biberenzelgli 30
3210 Kerzers